jQuery Plugin to Compare Images
Image Comparison Component
How it works
TwentyTwenty works by stacking two images on top of each other. As the slider moves across the image, it makes use of the CSS clip property to trim the image on the left.
Download TwentyTwenty
Visit zurb.com and click the Download TwentyTwenty button before saving the 'twentytwenty-master.zip' archive and unpacking.
Attach the plug-in
You will have access to the 'css' and 'js' folders. These must be attached to the top and end of your HTML page as follows, along with the latest jQuery CDN link.
012 <header>
014 <!-- Add this in the <header> -->
013 <link href="styles/twentytwenty.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
014 </header>
<!-- Add this before the end of </body> -->
478 <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
479 <script src="scripts/jquery.event.move.js"></script>
480 <script src="scripts/jquery.twentytwenty.js"></script>
481 </body>
Ready the images
For the images you'll want a pair of identical size pictures, most likely showing the same subject but with subtle differences between them. Embed them inside a <div> element within the
of your page.
365 <div class="twentytwenty-container" data-orientation="vertical">
366 <img src="media/1_1.jpg" />
367 <img src="media/1_2.jpg" />
368 </div>
Call the plug-in
Add a new <script> tag, inserting the following small snippet of code below between them. Make sure this goes after the <script> tags added in Step 2, just before your page's closing HTML tag.
504 <script>
505 $(window).load(function(){
504 $(".twentytwenty-container[data-orientation!='vertical']").twentytwenty({default_offset_pct: 0.7});
$(".twentytwenty-container[data-orientation='vertical']").twentytwenty({default_offset_pct: 0.3, orientation: 'vertical'});});
504 </script>
An elegant image gallery
This is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create an high quality justified gallery of images. Fill all the spaces! It works perfectly on mobile and tablets devices.
How it works
Justified Gallery accepts a standard format for a gallery. Simply add your images as shown in the code below.
159 <div id="mygallery">
160 <div>
161 <img alt="Title 1" src="path/to/myimage1_t.jpg"/>
162 </div>
163 <div>
163 <img alt="Title 2" src="path/to/myimage2_t.jpg"/>
164 </div>
165 </div>
Files to include
The plugin only needs jQuery. Then you have only to include the Justified Gallery's files as the following:
015 <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/justifiedGallery.css" />
016 <script src="scripts/jquery.justifiedGallery.js"></script>
Just a Call
Now, you only need to call the plugin that will justify all the images, with the default options.
207 $('#mygallery').justifiedGallery({
208 rowHeight : 300,
209 lastRow : 'nojustify',
210 margins : 0
211 });
Text transition
Textualizer builds a creative transition from one paragraph to another.
Files to include
Download the jQuery CDN as well as the textualizer.js and include the files as the following:
311 <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
312 <script src="scripts/textualizer.min.js"></script>
312 <script src="scripts/textualizer.js"></script>
Call the function
Add the following function in the header and replace the text items from "var list". You can make also change the duration or the effects if the text transition.
021 $(function() {
022 var list = ['Textualizer is a', 'jQuery plug-in', 'that allows you', 'to transition through', ' 021 023 blurbs of text.']; // list of blurbs
025 var txt = $('#output'); // The container in which to render the list
027 var options = {
028 duration: 400, // Time (ms) each blurb will remain on screen
029 rearrangeDuration: 200, // Time (ms) a character takes to reach its position
030 effect: 'random', // Animation effect the characters use to appear
031 centered: true // Centers the text relative to its container
032 }
Add a style
Create a style sheet and embed the equivalent id or class in your html code. Note that the name of the id or class must match the one that is listed in the function above.
001 #output {
002 color: cyan;
003 font-size: 160px;
004 line-height: 1;
005 font-weight: 700;
006 text-align: center;
007 text-transform: uppercase;
008 height: 200px;
009 }